Chances are…If you are at this site…you were recently in an automobile accident. You are probably experiencing pain…and while you are worried about your health, you are also worried about your car, your bills, your job and your future. Take a deep breath…relax…you are at the perfect website.
We have been treating injured residents of Jacksonville for several years. Our team of doctors are the best at treating injured people. No one in Jacksonville can offer what we can. We have a Board Certified Neurologist, Chiropractors, Physical Therapy and even a Neuropsychologist on our staff.
The best thing going for us is that we are your neighbors. We aren’t some so called medical-legal referral 800 line from South Florida. Do you really want to talk to someone on Miami or Tampa, when you need a doctor here?
We live in Jacksonville. Probably like you, we are Jaguar fans. We know where Avondale is or how great our Jacksonville Zoo is.
We have been in practicing in Jacksonville for over 25 years. We go to church here; our children go to school here…WE LIVE HERE!
We treat our patients like neighbors.
We are the only doctors in Jacksonville that have exclusive access to the latest technology that objectively proves brain injuries in 25% of our patients.
Imagine having an undiagnosed brain injury just because your doctor doesn’t understand the latest in technology and research. In fact, our doctors actually teach this latest research and technology to other doctors all over the country.
Because Jacksonville and the First Coast is our home, we have developed great relationships with other medical specialists in town. We enjoy a mutual respect with these doctors, and our patients usually don’t have to wait to get imaging studies like or MRIs or make appointments with orthopedists if they need to.
We also know who the best attorneys are in town. The attorneys that will work for you, the ones that will take your calls and always be available to answer your questions. We will not recommend any attorney that doesn’t make you a priority.
Contact Us Today
Please fill out our form.
You have a decision to make now. Who do you trust? Do you trust someone from South Florida with fancy 800 numbers, or do you trust your neighbors?
To prove that we treat our patients like neighbors, would you like to talk to one of our doctors now?
Simply fill out the form, one of our doctors will call you as soon as possible. If you don’t want to wait, call 904-500-1020 now. We are here for you!
Remember the State of Florida passed a law that only allows you 2 weeks to see a doctor following an accident. Getting immediate care is imperative for you physically and for your case should you pursue legal actions.